
The media’s contribution to the creation and sustaining of functioning democracies and their potential to serve as a catalyst for human development provide the justification for UNESCO’s media development efforts. Free, independent and pluralistic media empower citizens with information that...
مداخلة بتاريخ:
الأحد, أغسطس 24, 2008
World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development – Special Digital Focus 2015 provides a substantive analysis of key areas identified in the first World Trends as particularly relevant for further study, namely the issues of: online hate speech, protection of journalism sources, and the...
مداخلة بتاريخ:
الاثنين, يونيو 15, 2015
In Libya, with a view to the current state of media development, UNESCO has chosen to conduct a baseline study of Outcome 4 ‘Professional capacity building and supporting institutions’ and indicators 3.13 and 3.14 of Outcome 3 “Media as a Platform for Democratic Discourse” as these two outcomes...
مداخلة بتاريخ:
الاثنين, مايو 25, 2015
This report documents attacks against journalists and the offices and facilities of media outlets since the 2011 uprising, including threats, assaults, kidnappings, and killings and addresses the failure of the government to protect journalists and the media, and hold perpetrators of attacks on...
مداخلة بتاريخ:
الاثنين, مايو 25, 2015
Under Gaddafi, the media was used solely to secure his own power. Content was highly politicised in favour of the regime and any criticism of Gaddafi would result in imprisonment or worse. The revolution saw an explosion of new private media while the old state media apparatus is struggling to cope...
مداخلة بتاريخ:
السبت, مايو 25, 2013
The media in Tunisia has undergone drastic changes since the country’s 2011 revolution. From content that was once uniform and restricted in the extreme, Tunisian media outlets have moved away from echoing the state line and are now providing diverse output. A host of new media outlets have cropped...
مداخلة بتاريخ:
الجمعة, مايو 25, 2012
و كما هو معلوم تلعب وسائل الإعلام دورا مركزيّا لضمان نجاح الانتقال الديمقراطيّ و لدعم الحقوق السياسيّة و الحرّيّات المدنيّة. وتفحص هذه الدراسةُ المعتمدة على مؤشّرات تطوّر وسائل الإعلام و الاتصال بحسب منظّمة اليونسكو، الإنجازات التي تحقّقت في سبيل تطوّر وسائل الإعلام بالبلاد التونسيّة منذ ثورة 14...
مداخلة بتاريخ:
الجمعة, مايو 24, 2013
It is widely recognized that the media have a central role to play in the transition to democracy and the strengthening of political rights and civil liberties. This study, based on the Media Development Indicators (MDIs) of UNESCO, examines progress that has been made in media development in...
مداخلة بتاريخ:
الجمعة, مايو 24, 2013
الغرض من هذه الدراسة هو تقديم مصدر معلومات موثوق إلى صانعي السياسات، ووسائل الإعلام، ومنظمات المجتمع المدني، والجامعات، ومؤسسات التدريب، بهدف تعزيز الحرية والاستقلالية والتعددية في وسائل الإعلام في فلسطين، وذلك إنسجاماً مع المعايير الدولية الرئيسية. ويأتي هذا بقصد تقديم الإرشاد للجهات المانحة...
مداخلة بتاريخ:
السبت, مايو 24, 2014
The purpose of the study is to provide a reliable resource for policy makers, the media, civil society organizations, universities and training institutions to strengthen free, independent and pluralistic media in Palestine, with reference to key international standards. It is also intended to...
مداخلة بتاريخ:
السبت, مايو 24, 2014
