London School of Economics

Case Studies, Reports and Analysis
London School of Economics
The Algerian media landscape, while exhibiting some of the structural features of the industry in neighbouring North African countries, is unique in tending to employ a bolder tone and showing comparatively greater resistance to pressure. It is empowered by a long history of braving taboos,...
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April, 04 2017
General Resources
London School of Economics
Under Gaddafi, the media was used solely to secure his own power. Content was highly politicised in favour of the regime and any criticism of Gaddafi would result in imprisonment or worse. The revolution saw an explosion of new private media while the old state media apparatus is struggling to cope...
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May, 25 2013
General Resources
London School of Economics
The pro-democracy protests of the Moroccan Spring provided the national media with an open season that could not last long. Then, entrenched ‘untouchable’ topics were debated in the public realm, including those related to the King’s centralised power; today, journalists work in a climate of...
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May, 25 2016